Dr. Yvon Grenier

Department of Political Science, Mulroney Hall, Rm 4067, St. Francis Xavier University, 2329 Notre Dame Avenue, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada B2G 2W5. Phone 902 867 3940
Professor and Chair, Department of Political Science
Jules Léger Chair in the Humanities and Social Sciences
Fellow, Mulroney Institute of Government
I teach and write about Latin American politics, art and politics, and Canadian foreign policy. I published several books, four as author, one as co-author and one as editor, among other publications.
Recent Publications
"Opportunities to Promote Human Rights and Democratic Values Abroad: the Case of Canadian Foreign Policy toward Cuba," American Review of Canadian Studies, 53, no.2 (2023), 204-217.
"Culture, Identity, and the State in Cuba," Latin American Research Review 58, No. 1(2023): 203-214.
"Submission and the Possibility of Low-Intensity Totalitarianism in France," in Decline and Submission: Michel Houellebecq, The Cassandra of Freedom, ed. Michael S. Kochin and Alberto Spektorowski (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2022), 85-104.
"The Prophet of Dystopia at Rest: Margaret Atwood in Cuba," Quillette (July 2021); Spanish version, "La profeta de la dystopia en suspenso: Margaret Atwood en Cuba," Rialta, 5 July 2021.
"Opportunities to Promote Human Rights and Democratic Values Abroad: The Case of Canadian Foreign Policy Toward Venezuela," International Journal 76, no.3 (2021): 446–464.
“Fidel Castro’s ‘Words to Intellectuals’ at 60: Nothing to Celebrate,” Literal, Latin American Voices, July, 2021.
“Emergency and Opportunities: Canada and the Venezuela Crisis,” in External Powers in Latin America, Gian Luca Gardini and Gonzalo S. Paz eds. (Routledge, 2021).
“La política como ciencia y como tabúe,” Foro Cubano (Bogota) 4, no.29 (Feb. 2021).
"Cuban Studies: the Siren Song of La Revolución," Cuban Studies/Estudios Cubanos, 49 (2020): 310-329.
With Jorge Domínguez, Julio César Guanche, Jennifer Lambe, Carmelo Mesa-Lago, Silvia Pedraza and Rafael Rojas, "¿Cuándo terminó la Revolución cubana? Una discusión," Cuban Studies/Estudios Cubanos 47 (2019): 143-165.
"Canada and the Venezuela Crisis," Oasis 30 (July-Dec. 2019): 55-75.
"Ciencias sociales y humanidades en Cuba: Parametración y despolitización," in Gisela Kozak Rovero and Armando Chaguaceda eds., La izquierda como autoritarismo en el siglo XXI (CADAL and Universidad de Guanajuato, 2019), 173-201.